NSFAS Loan Or Bursary 2025
NSFAS Loan Or Bursary 2025
NSFAS is a South African government project that aims to make higher education more affordable to students from low-income families. It offers financial backing in the form of loans and bursaries to pay for education, accommodation, and other study-related expenditures. This effort is vital in fostering equality and ensuring that deserving students have access to great education. NSFAS assists students through a variety of models, including bursary and loan programs.
READ HERE: What Does NSFAS Bursary Cover
NSFAS Models
As an NSFAS beneficiary, you need to be conscious of the NSFAS model you are receiving your funds from, either loan or bursary. Read further to discover the NSFAS bursary you receive funds from;
Bursary Model: NSFAS provides bursaries to academically eligible students from low-income families. Bursaries pay for tuition, housing, and other study-related expenditures. Bursaries, unlike loans, do not have to be repaid.
NSFAS Loans: These are financial assistance that students must return once they finish their education and begin working. The loan conditions are attractive, with low interest rates, and repayments begin only if the graduate’s salary reaches a set level. NSFAS loans are generally repaid using an income-based repayment system. This implies that the amount a graduate must repay is determined by their earning level. When a graduate’s salary reaches a particular threshold, they begin repaying their debts.
READ ALSO: Do You Have To Pay NSFAS Back 2025-2026?
Who Is Eligible For NSFAS Bursary Or Loan?
To be eligible for NSFAS support, the candidate must meet the following requirements:
- Be a South African citizen.
- Come from a family with a combined household income of R350,000 or less per year.
- Be registered or planning to register at a public university or TVET college in a designated course.
- Have a valid South African ID document.
How To Apply For NSFAS Bursary/Loan?
Provided below is a gradual guide on how to apply for NSFAS;
- Go to www.nsfas.org.za and click on the ‘myNSFAS’ tab.
- Create a myNSFAS account
- Click on the ‘APPLY’ tab and complete the sections on the screen
- Upload required supporting documents where applicable
- Click on ‘Submit’.
Legal Papers Required to Apply For NSFAS
The following legal papers must be uploaded to apply for NSFAS;
- Copy of student ID / Birth certificate
- Copy of parent/s or guardian/ spouse ID
- Smart card: both sides of the card required
- Proof of income (where applicable)
- Persons living with disability (Disability Annexure A form)
- A candidate who is recognized as a vulnerable child by the Department of Social Development must provide a completed Vulnerable Child Declaration form completed by a social worker
- A candidate who has indicated that s/he has no family member details and or abridged birth certificate must complete the Declaration: Non-SASSA.’
Contact NSFAS
- Email: info@nsfas.org.za
- Facebook: National Student Financial Aid Scheme
- Twitter: @myNSFAS
- Instagram: @myNSFAS
- WhatsApp: +27 78 519 8006
- USSD:*120*67327#
NSFAS loans and bursaries are an important component of South Africa’s efforts to promote equal access to higher education. If you meet the qualification requirements, don’t hesitate to apply and open up the opportunity to a better future. Visit the official website of NSFAS for more information.